Meats back on the menu boys!
My professional carreer has been front and center for me for the better part of the last decade. I have tinkered around here and there with some indie developments. Working with others to forward their products and sometimes diving back into my own little creative pools to forward my coding and design work. I’ll tell you one thing though, game design still inspires me. It calls to me and every time I start it back up I come up with great insights and proof of concept ideas that really get the creative juices flowing.
So here we are once again. I’ve reopened the studio and Aakrana is back on the table. Not because it’s some kind of sacred cow that is awesome and the concepts I’ve been fussing over for the better part of a decade are going to make the next great MMO… More specifically because I know there is something awesome that I can provide gamers. And let’s be clear not all gamers. My professional carreer has taught me something over the years. Focus on something you are great at. Find your market for it and embrace that market like no tomorrow. I don’t want the next great “WoW killer”, I just want to provide gamers my version of enjoyable online gaming. Ive been focussed on it for years, I know many others have been looking for it, and I think Aakrana is ready to be that outlet for a niche of people.
Indie game dev is exciting. Every 3-5 years when I come back to the table, the middleware is so much more advanced, the talent pool is so much broader and the resources to run servers and online games is so much more affordable. I have been working with Unity for the better part of 5 years now. It’s a great platform. There is a strong community of developers and a tremendous ammount of succesfully released products. Coming back to this now I spent the last few weeks firing up my server farm, upgrading to the latest mySQL and getting servers rebuilt in the latest version of Unity. The servers have been up for a week without a hitch. My character is level 6!!! (which is amazing considering Aakrana will be a level-less world ) but most importantly I am ready now. I am ready to make the investment once again in time and money to take this little beast to where it needs to be for people to start enjoying it.
Stay tuned fellow indies. More to come